Server Rules

  1. No cheating.
  2. No targeted harassment of any kind (e.g. doxing, threats, constant insults, etc).
  3. No racist/discriminatory language or insults (e.g. slurs, sprays, signs, etc).
  4. No sexually explicit images (e.g. sprays, signs, etc).
  5. No disruptive exploits.
  6. Is someone annoying you? Mute/block them BEFORE contacting an admin.
  7. Admins/owners reserve the right to kick/mute/ban disruptive players.


Outside of these basic rules, anything goes (within reason), and the onus is on the player to mute/block/ignore individuals that may be disrupting you. However, if you are experiencing or witnessing targeted harassment, cheating, or extremely disruptive behaviour, please contact an admin or the owner with clear video evidence.

Click on the GameTracker image below to join the server!

Alternatively, connect via your console: connect

Make sure to add the server to your favourites and we hope you enjoy your stay!